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Activities 2008
The International Leadership School
The Free Market Road Show

Thursday with Civic Institute


Discussion on Communism
Conference on 25th Anniversary of the Strategic Defense Initiative
Seminar on the Ratification of the Reform Treaty in the Czech Republic
90 years since the Communist takeover in Russia
Conference on the Future of Kosovo

Tuesday with Civic Institute
April 29, 2008
House of Deputies of the Slovak Parliament
Bratislava, Slovakia 

This month´s event from our regular “Tuesday with Civic Institute “ series of public lectures and gatherings took place on Tuesday, April 29th. The seminar focused on the Iraq and Afghanistan Campaign as a part of the War on
Matyas Zrno (Civic Institute) delivered the opening lecture about Afghanistan in front of some 30 participants where he just spent two weeks as part of the NATO´s Transatlantic Opinion Leaders for Afghanistan Program. He was joined by Miroslav Koller (former military officer), who spent nine months in Iraq. Both speakers emphasized the necessity to hold on in the War ion Terror and draw attention to political limitation, especially those of the European NATO states in the case of Afghanistan.

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