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Activities 2008
The International Leadership School
The Free Market Road Show

Thursday with Civic Institute


Discussion on Communism
Conference on 25th Anniversary of the Strategic Defense Initiative
Seminar on the Ratification of the Reform Treaty in the Czech Republic
90 years since the Communist takeover in Russia
Conference on the Future of Kosovo

Discussion on Communism
February 25, 2008
Czernin Palace (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Prague, Czech Republic

The Civic Institute observed the 60th anniversary of the communist coup in Czechoslovakia through a discussion to answer the question: "Why did the formation of communism in our country happen so easily?"

The following people took part in the debate:

  • Pavel Bratinka, Chairman of the Executive Council of The Civic Institute;
  • Daniel Kroupa, Philosopher from University of J.E.Purkyně Ústí nad Labem;
  • Michal Pehr, Historian from the Academy of Sciences;
  • Jiří Ješ; Publicist
  • Roman Joch, Executive Director of the Civic Institute and;
  • Radko Kubičko, redactor of the Czech Radio (ČRo 6).


The discussion was moderated by Petr Marek and was recorded by ČRo 6, where it was also later broadcasted

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