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Social Policy Program

Just over fifteen years after the breakup of the Soviet Union, Central and Eastern European nations continue to experience severe social distress including high crime, low longevity, and rampant alcoholism. In additon to raising the general level of awarenss of various urgent problems and their causes, the program brings together experts with an international perspective and reputation to promote discussion about how best to address them.

 Upcoming themes and Speakers

  Recent themes and Speakers

  • Reforms of Family Policy:
    Legal Protection of Marriage and Family

    Senate of the Czech Parliament

  • Population Implosion in Europe: Catastrophe or Challenge?
    Dr. Anne-Marie Libert (Louvain University, Belgium)

  • Central and Eastern European Conference on the Family
    Convention of, near Brno, Czech Republic

    Representatives of nine formerly socialist countries met to discuss issues regarding family policy and development in the CEE countries. Communism had shattering effects on the basic unit of society and rebuilding this social fabric is essential to the recovery and propsperity of the CEE nations.

  • What's Next in Social Policy in the Czech Republic?

    Workshop for NGO members and professionals from both government and the private sector regarding the actual formulation of social policies that can help promote the freedom and posperity of the Czech people.

  • Analysis of European Policy concerning Women and Children

    Mr. Carlson, the (President, Howard Center) gave analysys on current Czech policy and the development, education and social impact of government policy on the women and children in the CEE. Given the integration process of the European nations a global perspective on policy is of grave concern to all nations in Europe today.

  • Introduction to Logotherapy
    Dr. Alexander Batthyany (Head of Research, Viktor Frankl Institute, Vienna)

    Dr. Batthyany articulated the principles of what became known as The Third School of Vienese Psychology. The school was founded by renown psychologist Viktor Frankl and Dr. Batthyany addressed the essence of Frankls principles and therapeutic methodology as a contemporary avenue for clinical diagnosis and therapy.
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